Work With Jeremy David Evans

My Blog Posts

2016 20/Aug
integrity Paper

I love morality. It may be silly, this bizarre obsession of mine, but I sponsor morality whenever I can. I plead for it, I advocate for it, I embrace it. I work so hard to advance morality that I’m often asked: Why? Why should I care about morality? How do you even define morality? What […]

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2015 16/Nov

MOOCs vs College Degrees Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are miles ahead of their rapidly aging predecessor, the unJustifiably Overpriced Collegiate Experience (uJOCE). We will compare and contrast the two in this article, weaving a neat little story about finances, economics, and information in the meantime. MOOCs Are Awesome! Oftentimes, I find myself taking classes […]

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2015 16/Nov
Kula bracelet

Peace, Love, and Understanding? Superficially, the idea of a “gift economy” may strike you as fanciful or inconceivable. How could people get by simply by giving away what they have to others? What market forces would conspire to feed the nation: simply goodwill and peace on Earth? Where are the real incentives?  Fortunately, it is rather […]

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2015 16/Nov
Grand Bazaar Shop, Instanbul

Capitalism doesn’t stand alone. Nor even isolated in a small room with its uncomfortable flatmates, Command and Mixed Economies. Many economic theories have come before and will come after. Indeed, Adam Smith’s original conception of Capitalism is alive and well, yet in our era it is has seen some changes. We are realizing the effects of […]

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